Tuesday comes and slips by...
Today was just another day, school then home but today i went to a youth group I'm involved in like i usually do on Tuesdays...Instead of what people first think of when they hear the words "youth group" which is the usual Jesus loving/worshiping 24/7 activities were actually not that involved in things like that
We are actually more of a small family that discusses current topics and relate them to peoples opinions and usually find new deeper thoughts on something that was once blurry or somewhat confusing
I'm not saying we don't relate religion in this group because we do but i enjoy coming here because i get to express my opinions on things happening and i get to hear others without being pressed down with any Jesus thoughts or anything like that...its pretty chill and i get to hang out with a lot of friends
I don't want to be talking about religion in the blogs because i know everyone out there has different opinions and such so I'm not anyone to force you into anything or anything like that, I'm actually not that type of person haha i like listening to others more than i like to talk
ill just refrain from stuff like that haha
Sooo the picture was taken last Thursday i believe and it was in a park after my friends finished some soccer practice, I took it with an app on my phone that makes it all cool looking and gives it a border and such...idk i like how it came out....i dont know why but it always reminds me of this one special somebody, its kinda crazy haha
The zombie i was drawing yesterday didn't come out as i wanted it too but it wasn't as bad as i originally feared it was gonna be..it came out alright for being done in about 30-40 minutes...i might post it later, and I feel like im getting closer to reaching that small goal of printing and selling my own shirts i just gotta get better at photoshop :( lol i phail at that
alright its already late so I'm out, and thanks for everyone that actually reads it and follows it, that's pretty kool haha tnx
I like yur point of view on things keep up the goodwirk javi
dude i wana use this pic for an Ep cover is that ok? ill post a pic