Monday, May 31, 2010

Close Your Eyes to See

I don't know what to do!!!! (ill explain in a bit)
First of all, Today was pretty fun...I had I-Hop for breakfast ($#@! YES!) then i headed home to
leave to a friends house to a kickback until like about 6 when i came back home...the party it self was really chill and bad we left so early (even though we were the last to leave)

Well after i got home i had a session of Minus The Bear and realized how the famous Charles Trippy (or better known as CTFxC in youtube) TOTALLY RAPED the fact that Minus the Bear was kinda not known...not saying they were underground but they kept a nice level of reknown for fans to enjoy...anyways charles said in one of his videos to go check out Minus and crap like that and at first i thought that was pretty kool but then i realized that their youtube channel was now bombarded with ctfxc fans reclaiming how awesome they are (can't blame them for that) and now i came to reaize that Minus's fan base grew by the millions and is now filled with "Lady Gaga loving, The Beatles posers and Retarded controlling-puberty-changing-Hipsters"

Whatever i hope their fan base doesn't go to the shiter because of this...

Back to my first topic...I can't decide if to continue this picture like i wanted it in the sketch or to do something less creepy and more sane...The original sketch is the top right pic, (click on it to see it bigger) it was a hand holding some kind of bouquet that bled and had an eye at the top suffering and dripping while tentacles came out of the bouquet, oh and the hand is coming out of some creature's mouth with sharp teeth....the second pic to the bottom right is a more detailed pic and the background is what i started on...I, instead of drawing part of the hand, i decided to draw the whole thing so i can erase what i don't need afterwards, but the hand came out so clean and sane it would be almost inhuman if i corrupt the picture with my dark thoughts...the details came out pretty good and im proud of what i started with but ashamed of what might the final product be... CRAP!

I'm still not sure what to guys should help...ill put this piece down for a couple days and reflect on it...for now i gotta draw a zombie for my friend Danny which i will probably be posting tomorrow if its any good

The tittle is a song from Circa Survive and it has a line that says "cause nothing you've ever planned on ever turned out the way you planned" (relating to my struggle)

Still thinking of you


Sunday, May 30, 2010

I Forgot How My House Smells

...and i also forgot how bad my room reeks haha

From a somewhat chaotic day to a more relaxed chill day, i feel like the weekend has come to an end but i still have one more day because tomorrow is memorial day so thats something to look forward too.
I spent the three days of this glorious four day weekend with crystal, her family and some friends along the way, it was a good way to get my mind off all the school thoughts that have been racing through my mind lately. To be honest i feel no pressure or stress when in school its almost like something I'm required to do so i can actually start the day once the last bell rings. Even though i am dedicated to continue to an art school or such i still find my self thinking of high school as a chore with a lot of annoying people haha (sorry guys, my bad [that's a S.A. song but its "dudes" instead of guys])
Today was rather fun after a small inconvenience we had in the morning but after a serving of French Toasts i jumped into the adventure ahead....
The day ended up at some place called "Toms Farm" which is 15 minutes away from the town I live in. I had never been there but it was lots of fun. I bought a new bottle to add to my collection and this one was my favorite.

It was a soda with The Hammer and Sickle from the Soviet Union with lots of communist party jokes like the label on the top that said "Join The Party!" and others like that
Being history related (fav. Subject) and being deliciously tasting it is now one of my favorite drinks haha

Now I'm just listening to Look Mexico and playing Minus the Bear songs on my guitar while i think of nothing really haha just waiting for a text and thinking of a person out there that keeps me in the edge of my seat and always warm...something worth looking foward to haha
for now I'm out (Sixta)

talk to you later


Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Seal and a Car Wash

Well today was rather interesting, instead of going to a Say Anything concert I ended up in helping out at a car wash O_o"
It wasn't that bad, a little tiering but it was overall fun, it was 5 hours long but it was somewhat worth it I guess...

The picture came from washing one of the cars, we found that seal in the floor of the car and we put it on the armrest and I took a picture of it without anyone noticing haha (ninja)
I actually have a small collection of animal toy pictures I've come across, I'll be posting them later on

For now I'm just hanging out at crystals house, sleeping over for the secound night in a row...pretty nice and chill, waiting for a text


Location:Crystals house

Friday, May 28, 2010

Why a Fever?

You might ask why "The Pointless Fever"...actually i doubt you do but I'm still going to explain haha
The Pointless Fever was a concept thought up by my friend, He though of it as a band name or album name...we were originally going to start a band with this name but we are both lazy and procrastinators so we didn't
But there was more to just a name... it stands for that pointless fever and headache you get for thinking too much or doing curtain things, idk it hard to explain but I'm pretty sure you get what I'm saying
SOOO i wanted to make this blog to get rid of that headache that teases my brain every now and then so its just a way of opening my mind and taking all the crap out haha

After the concept i decided to start making art relating to it, it was going to be for shirts but i never got to it...hopefully i do someday

ill be posting a lot of my art work and doodles that i end up with to show you guys what im up to..most of them are going to be crap but ill still display them here

The Beginning

Well I'm Gerardo...That's about it,
ill Be posting crap here to keep my self entertained and ill act like people read it hahah, i don't really mind if people don't get a chance to read this, I'm just going to continuously post text and pictures about my adventures and such.
I was hoping i could post something everyday and include a picture with it but i know myself and a daily thing wont work, I'm a procrastinator and a lazy kid haha so ll just try at first to keep it as constant as i can but don't expect anything haha

For now here's a picture i received yesterday of my friend Chelsea's little brother Ryder...

haha hes adorable...(kinda creepy because i've never met him)
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