Ok, so Warped Tour is a really big music festival throughout all US that brings a lot of bands together. This even is like any other band tour it's just it has no Headliner Band and its usually in really big open places with about 7 stages.

I decided to go...At first i wasn't that exited to go, i have grown apart from a lot of the bands that performed. I hardly ever listen to any hardcore music and i don't keep up with those genres of music as much as i used to. None the less, i'm glad i went...
The day started by picking everyone up and driving all the way to Carson (about 1 1/2 hours away). In our posse, it was Sixta,
Crystal, Teresa, and I. When we got to Carson we were starving so we stopped at a Jack in the Box and ate breakfast. After that we spent a good 20 minutes looking for a parking spot outside of the stadium because a parking in there was a whooping $20....So we just parked in a
neighborhood and walked to the event haha. There we were shocked by what seemed to be the crazy long lines to enter, we were not going to wait all that so with our amazing wits we just cut the line and got split into lines of males and females. I managed to get in first so instead of waiting for the girls i just went straight to the huge inflatable set list they had, it said what bands where playing at what times and at what stages. We met up and got a program, we then stayed where we were and watched Motion City Soundtrack. This band was really chill, i know a couple of their songs and the energy in stage got really crazy especially after they played a couple of their old songs. Shortly after we walked around collecting posters, stickers and such. We all got a free tattoo at the Active, and wondered around the other tents checking out where everything was at. While doing that we listened to The Dillinger Escape Plan, even though we didn't stay there for long these guys we pretty crazy i gotta admit. I've always enjoyed their music but their presence in stage was just whack...pretty crazy.

We continued to walk around and ended up stopping at the Closure in Moscow tent (one of my fav. bands of all time) and meeting Manny, (the rhythm guitarist and second vocalist, pic to the right) this guy was super kool. We talked with him got pictures and posters with autographs. We kicked it with him for a while and talked about random
things. Berrett the guitarist of the band also stopped by and we got his autograph and picture. Manny was really kool, he was actually enjoying the fact that we were there unlike other artist that say hi, take a picture and say "next", treating fans like a job or duty...We then headed off to see In Fear and Faith (pic under) a band that i'm a good fan of...This band is pretty hardcore, mixing screaming with high pitched clean vocals and dropping rhythms and leads in perfect places to make those moments in the song where ypu just go "Yeeeeeeaaaaa" haha. This band has talent, but it was not there yesterday. Well i take that back the whole band played a good show, everyone enjoyed it and for being the first time being in stage for a really long time and first time playing certain songs live...i give them props, it was just the clean vocals that killed it for me. He was singing to high compared to the voice i was used to, i understand everything is different live but i felt like this guy didn't remember how his own songs went. He was straining his voice and when it came back down it actually sounded better, but he just ignored that and kept singing high. Excluding that the show was really fun especially the pit, jumping around and singing to those catchy lyrics haha.

After that we watched Pierce The Veil and i must admit, I've seen them twice and both times they have not disappointed me...Yesterday they got the crowd crazy in seconds, (probably 'cause of their good looks lol) and played an amazing show. It was really entertaining especially when they gave a hip-hop track a hardcore feel and lifted up their guitars over their heads and each one had a word on it and it ultimately said "get fucking low" hahaha they brought the guitars back down and thats exactly what the crowd did, they got low haha. After that we watched You Me At Six then headed over and watched Enter Shikari....Those guys were crazy. They dropped them crazy Synth beats and climbed on practically everything, one of them even balanced a guitar on his mouth. These guys were pretty kool. Once they were done me and Teresa rushed in the crowd to get close to the Stage. We were in there for Alesana (pic bottom right) one of my childhood bands and the staircase that led me to liking a lot of these crazier bands. This show got a little rowdy, but it was fun. They played old and new songs, and satisfied everyone. In the midst of that mess Crystal showed up behind us and we continued to go crazy. When the last song came (Apology) it was planned that me and Teresa were going to crowd surf out of there but once the song started i lost her and i just asked so big guy next to me to push up and there i was...On top of everyone, my ass on their faces flipping and singing. I got caught by the security and i exited the stage with a smile on my face haha. We then reunited and went to go meet up with Manny again so me and Sixta could buy a shirt from them. Sixta bought Manny's favorite and me and Crystal bought the same one. We then hung out with him and talked some more. We learned a couple Australian words like "Grouse" meaning; Cool or Awesome. We talked about how unique heir band was and we made

a bet that if he didn't remember our names by August when we come back, he would give us all a free shirt haha. Then he gave me a book he was reading, "You Are a Spiritual Being Having Human Experience" so that i could read over the summer and bring back to him next time. I think that is flipping thight! The book is really complex and like he said "It's a Hard Read" but I'm determined to read it and bring it back to him. He then had to go warm up and we stole some poster while we listened to Emarosa. Once they were finished we got to the front of the stage and waited for them. They came into stage and Chris the main singer was wearing tights, a shinny pink hoodie and lipstick with crazy eyeshadow...yeea haha it was a little disturbing but really funny. These are they guys that dressed up as Christmas characters for one of their previous shows so i wasn't surprised. The show was REALLY good and the they played amazing. The crowed pissed me off. They didn't even bother to move. It seemed like the only people enjoying
the show were us four and some other fool in the front freaking out like me haha. The show was also short because the Audio Kit used in the stage broke so Emarosa had to use their own and them setting up took time off their set and it also shortened Closure's set as well giving the fact that they had to set up their own kit as well. None the less the show was amazing and i got to meet the rest of the band members afterwards except the drummer which i had seen around earlier). After that the day was practically over for us. We went and saw a couple more bands and ended it with The All American Rejects.

We left that place and headed home. We followed Crystal's
directions to a Fast Food Paradise only to get lost with both smart phones on the verge of Death!!! Haha but thanks to her we had hilarious moments, and we ended up practically eating the entire menu at Taco Bell haha. WE then left and finally got on track to our house. We talked, screamed and listened to music. We spit up all the things that we had obtained over the day (like the random condoms haha), and started dropping off people. Me being the last one dropped off, I said by to Sixta, entered my house and began my eternal slumber to finalize the day...
The day was another one of those days i will never forget, We watched
a lot more bands than what i mentioned its just i'm too lazy to talk about them all...some like NeverShoutNever, Streetlight Manifesto, Eyes Set to Kill, Suicide Silence, and a couple others...all the ones we missed i will see next time haha. OH and i skank'ed with Sixta (pic right) haha it was sick (Skainking is a toe of dancing to Ska music)
So here are other pics enjoy and i'm out

Closure in Moscow

Enter Shikari

Closure in Moscow (again)

Lucky, dude, I was supposed to go yesterday, but I got into some trouble.