So other than that today was fun, I got to see Toy Story 3

which is everyones favorite topic no a days, andi can see why. That movie wasn't only funny, it was entertaining and memorable. It brought back so many memories of my childhood days. At times i thought i was going to tear up but i kept them i and smiled haha. This movie is simply amazing, i can't really describe my feeling for it so i wont...sorry :) after that i came home to drown myself in music and to update my phone...THE HORROR!!!!
Ok, so...yes i have an iphone big woot, i honestly don't like pulling out in public because i feel like i'm bragging or trying to show off, which i'm not, i'm trying to read my text message. To be honest, i don't think kid my age should have things like this it turns them into materialist and its truly a big responsibility. I'm not excluding myself because I've been spoiled by my parents since birth even at times when we were completely broke. This made me realize that money, cars, phones and fancy stuff is not what my life is all about. Its all about the memories and experiences, the fun times and the friends along the way...
The whole updating my phone took about 3 hours because well my PC is crap and itunes is a device from hell...After that i started writing new songs but i was too lazy to record the two i made...Shorty after i invited my friend Carlos over and we chilled and talked about hilarious things. I showed him my song that i had recorded the other day and so impressed he didn't believe it was me and i had to go and prove it to him. This made me feel super accomplished, i felt like i did something amazing and that how he was reacting. He wanted to add lyrics and use his drum machine to add beats and such, which i'm pretty exited for. After that, i started learning some dongs on guitar..."Going Home" by Shiro Sagisu and "Every Place is a House" by Maps and Atlases. Every place is a house is a crazy song, the first time i heard it i though it was impossible for anyone to play something like that from the first time learning it, but after i tried it today i was impressed at myself...i was like " i'm actually pretty good" haha, the song can scare at first but after persistent practice for an hour straight the intro becomes pretty simple haha and i'm pretty much half way through the song right now...haha congrats Gerardo :)
I had a cool topic to talk about today but i can't remember right now...Umm well on another random note...I continue to feel disloyal to myself to myself by not pursuing art, well at least not practicing, because i wish to pursue art as a career. I saw a friend's portfolio from last years art class and that person had increased in skill by SO MUCH, i felt somewhat envious that i'm not in the same position. I continue to search for my own style but i continue to find things that i enjoy but images that people find repulsing and scary. I don't care what people think but it becomes a problem when my art instructor denies my sketch and says that i shouldn't use the canvas and stick to painting in paper. I felt insulted and my fist was tightening for that punch to the face he deserved for waisting everyone's time in that art class. This previous year was a complete failure thanks to him. We only used finger paint as a medium and never advanced from that even though we were his most advanced class, with about 17 students in it. His greedy self and inexperience led to a unpleasant year and an endeavor to become better at something he was never good at...
With that said i'm off, I gotta buy Warped Tour tickets :)))))) i'm exited, Friday is going to be another memorable day!
oh the picture is in honor of the movie, its a picture of the talking Mr.Potato Head in Disney and the title is a completely random title I though of...its going into my ridiculously large list of possible song names
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