I made an amazing discovery haha...but before that...
Today i went to Disney California Adventure, The other

I love this park it always brings back great memories especially of those i shared almost an exact year from today haha. Last year I went with my friend Andres and his sis and it was loads of fun...Today was also chill, we rode a lot of rides like; Toy Story Mania, Tower of Terror, California Screaming, Soaring Over California, and a couple more. We didn't get to ride one called Mahulland Madness which is one of my favorites because the park closed at 6!! Which is ridiculous!! But whatevers, its chill...up around 5 when i rode the rapids i tuned my I-pod to "This Town Needs Guns" (to their self titled album) which is a band that I've been trying to get into for a while now, and for a good 3 hours i zoned out...their music completely hypnotized me, i was in a spell of continuous folk guitar picking with complicated but simple rhythms and amazing off beat accents. My God! i could not stop listening to them (I'm doing so right now) not sure why i was just in love with the calm music and sublime lyrics that were so SIMPLE!!! They made song lyrics out of a simple poem but each phrase pierced and stung like bullet. I advice everyone to go ahead and check them out. My favorite song so far is "Its True Rufus, Don't Listen To The Hat" I adore the way he sings the lyrics and the whole song because it ranges from smooth to rough in seconds.

Today i also got to draw in Disney, There is a place where they teach you how to draw Disney characters. I drew Pooh and Piglet. The Pooh came out FAT but Piglet came out better. After this I kinda realized i hadn't been loyal to the whole "art" part of the Blog which was the sol purpose of it haha. So starting probably next, next week I'll continue with my art, It's just that i have family over and all we have done is jump from Theme Park to Theme Park...soo ill come back to that later on this month.
Oh i recorded a song today, it's SUPER rough and Sketchy...A Lot of the tracks go off beat and the volumes and starts are a little off but i still made it into an MP3 just to have it and to be inspired to work on it. The song sounds like This Town Needs Guns and Look Mexico, I have no lyrics for it because is more like an Intro or a Filler Song...so if i fix it ill show it to you guys :)

I'm Off Now
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