ok so yesterday I went to Knotts Berry Farm! haha yay!
At first i wasn't so exited to go, I have been there like a gazillion times and the park it self doesn't interest me much. As the day started i soon changed my mind haha. So the car ride was pretty ghey but once we got to the parking lot i soon realized this was going to be a fun day. When we arrived there i saw this bus! its the "Bustache" A bus with a MUSTACHE! holy crap i thought that was amazing. The bus was a local radio station's little transportation device. To be honest i would love to ride on one of those. Actually i would love to own one of those lol

After we We were waiting for my sister to get out of the rapids because

After i ate at Panda Express, we went to go ride a ride called Pony Express its a ride that your seat is in shape of a pony and you ride it like a horse. In line they had the seats outside so people can check if they feel comfortable with then ride's style and when i saw the seat i started busting up laughing and singing "Pony" by Ginuwine (if you haven't heard it click here and click here for a kool cover of it by one of my fav. bands lol) Lol when i got on it and took a picture (that's me riding my pony lol) i realized the people behind me in line were laughing their asses off because of what i was singing. They ended up taking a picture too haha (WIN)

When i got home like at 11 we invited some friends over and kicked it in my house, we noticed my house was boring so we went to Jack in the Box and then went to a park at night just to chill but my sister was scared so we had to take her back home...after i played two games of CoD with them we went to my friend crystal's house and kicked it there until about 3am when we headed back home and i finally got some sleep haha
now I'm getting ready for church and i think im going to be late, oh well
talk to you guys later
hahaha i love what u said about the water thats so true!