Ok so today (yesterday) was a day I doubt I'll ever forget, seriously. Like I said in the previous blog I went to Disneyland with 3 of my friends just us, no one else. We spent

the whole day seperate, Gaby and her boyfriend Luis split and I spent the day with Vero. The day started pretty simple riding a couple rides here and there and laughing at anything and everything. Haha we had some really funny moments. At one tine we were in line and a guy with his kid and I'm guessing his new girlfriend was talking about his love life with this girl that could seriously give a crap. It was hilarious especially when he started saying how he became a "studmuffin" once he hit highschool and how he made the worst mistake of his life by breaking up with some girl. And he said all this in front of a girl that he hoped to get with haha. It was hilarious. After that we ate and watched a kid suck on the chain of a line (yummy).
The day went on and we got in a lot more rides. I was kinda screwed after riding splash mountain. Especially after some girl told me and vero that the person in the front seat doesn't get wet, the person in the secound one gets soaked. So me being the great friend I am let Vero in the secound seat and I took the front seat. After that let's say we were both pretty much soaked for the remainding of the day.

Later on when the day was coming to an end we watched the show Fantasmic while eating cotton candy and fruit gummies. Well I ate gummies, Vero didn't really want to share her cotton candy haha. So after that we watched the show and it was pretty amazing, I don't know what made it that way, it just was. After that we ran to the fireworks in front of the castle and got a good spot by sneaking in some weird spot and blocking everyone's view haha. And again it happened, I was memzmorized by the fireworks, I don't know...I was just completely lost in them, something I won't ever forget.
After that we tried getting in line for Peter Pan but it didn't really work, so we sat down and started talking but that turned into bikering and the guy next to me couldent stop laughing at us, and had to come into the conversation and state his opinion on our argument that it's "The Olive Garden" not "Olive Garden" haha the "the" makes it fancier and just an overall better place. He obiously agreed with me because it's the truth(Vero dosen't know what she's talking about) haha and we continued to argue and laugh and the guy next to us coulden't even breathe. I felt pretty awesome, I made a new friend and I made him laugh haha. After that we stood up and after I said by to him I came across a friend of mine and said hi and everything. Then we just rode two more simple rides to end the day we headed home
on a sleepy car ride.
This is one of those days, that no matter what I won't forget, and I'm glad I spent the Longest Day of The Year with such and amazing person.
daaaamn son thats down haha i know how amazing ur day was trust me i do