So here I am, inside a car 7 hours away from my destination, thinking of you. I had a dream about you, you were in white and the wind danced with you like soul mates. I stood aside as I heard your words roll off your mouth into my memory. I savored each one leaving a sweet taste in my mouth. I couldn't help myself but smile each time you would mention me, each time my name rang in my ears it sent waves that dispersed throughout my entire body touching every single corner and empty space. I was a bird and you were my cage, I was kept inside you with no thoughts of escape, more than satisfied with the contents of my new home. I was a ship and you were my anchor holding me in one place but enjoying every single minute of that time, which slowed with every glance we shared. The faces I once recognized only brought back images of you and I was now inside a world of imagery that could only be opened whenever your touch woke me. That same touch that inspired me, that same touch that I now miss and the same touch I hope to wake to every morning for the rest of whatever time I might have left...
Yea I felt inspired haha, so I really am inside a vehicle on my way to San Jose which is 7 hours away. Im taking my sister to collage for her second year and I'm going to help her move in. I love San Jose it's a really kool city that is always moving and is alive unlike my hometown (Murrieta) were everyone is asleep at 9:30 haha. I hope to once live in such an environment where people are constantly moving haha but nothing crazy like NYC...
So lately I've been sooo busy!!!

Crap!!! Haha all I do now a days is; wake up, shower; dress; eat and go to school. When I get home I nap until like 6 then wake up to do homework or art! Im taking 3 AP classes (advanced placement, they count as collage courses) and they are a handful...I arrive home bearly awake and with no energy what so ever. I enjoy that I'm tapping more into art but it's so much work for a procrastinator like me! Haha I chose to challenge my self so now I just gotta deal with it...
I got all new acrylic paints and all this cool equipment, I'm really exited but painting is hard work and it's really messy, I'm painting some shoes for my sister and it's been harder than I ever expected. I'm not liking the end result but it's still fun, I'll see how it comes out and post pictures...
I'm taking ceramics this year with my 9th grade art teacher and I love that woman haha in a non-relationship way...that's practically the only class I actually look forward to, other than that is just hard work!!! But I must not complain and I must not make it an excuse haha...
A lot of good things have happened lately and I'm exited for the future
We'll see how it all turns out
For now I'm out
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