Jesus, I gotta find a place to sit, I'm scaring people. My mom gets nervous when I walk around too much but that's just me. Were at the mall right now and their looking for clothes but I'm just walking around them, something I do without wanting I just do. I can't stand in one place I get bored and start thinking and wondering haha that's why I'm writing. All I can think of is a sustain person, school, a friend, tomorrow and the random girl I just scared haha. I was walking around writing this on my phone and she bumped into me and just opened her wide eyes and no words came out just the regular "...ehh umm" she smiled, turned around and walk way the same way she came. Was it my face? Haha I smiled at her, I understand how awkward It was and how awkward I made it by not saying anything or at least apologizing because It was kinda my fault...I just smiled haha. Well whatever it was it's gone now, the workers are just staring at me because they've seen me walk around for the past 10 minutes staring at my phone and smiling to myself. If I was a worker I would classify myself a freak haha
So all that was earlier today, well yesterday and after going to the mall I kinda realized the "hipster" fashion has been growing a lot and it finally got to my city. I've been aware of this "style" or fashion for ages and I kinda hate how people bag on them. Yea I get mad when the hardcore hipster kids make complete fools of them selfsame and take pride In being a hypocrite but then again they are who they want to be. If hating on mainstream bands and bagging on other people choice of music is what they want to do, let them. I love exploring new music and finding what I call "my little treasures" which are bands that are not known but are amazing. When I find one I keep it to myself because I do agree with hipsters in this, bands usually DO get worse when they go mainstream. Their music becomes overproduced and they slowly become sell outs for about a year then they go back to being who they originally were. So I do agree, and to be honest I hate classifying people, like yea I kinda have to specify when I'm writing but why separate everyone from a curtain style or class or such just because of appearance or likings. Yea I admit I can be somewhat of a hipster at times I do bag on overproduced music but I respect it, yea I dress in somewhat "hipster fashion" but it's because I adore that fashion it's something different from what we've seen. Yea I remember when wearing black meant you were "emo" and crap like that and just a few months back it was all about Crunk and Southern Hip Hop and to be honest I enjoyed the music, yea it was complete nonsense but that's what made it enjoyable, it was something fun to listen to. I myself never got into the whole "crank fashion" wearing bright neon colors and wearing the ridiculous Kanye glasses. I enjoyed watching it but I like to stand out in my own unique way. That's why I'm not that into fashion I just do my own thing and if people like it well that's good if they don't then sorry. That's why I am talking all this nonsense about "hipsters, scensters, crunk kings and such" whatever. It's all just a phase, I just don't appreciate the way people bag on hipsters, the world has respected previous fashions but now all they do is hate and it's ridiculous...oh and on a side note one thing I do not respect whatsoever is when people scream at the top of their lungs that they are unique following everyone's advice and listening to whatever is on tv. Yea I respect the music on tv (congrats) but not the kids that boast about being "probably the most unique kid in the state" when all they do is what every one else does. I don't think that's a bad thing, following the current trend but boasting about being unique when your not is complete retardation...sorry
Eh I feel like an angry freshman

ranting about his english class and how Sally is such a whore haha but whatever I had to say it because it was on my mind...
Keep doing what you do, no matter what people say, who are they to judge? Their just telling you to be like everyone else...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I love how you worded "Eh I feel like an angry freshman ranting about his english class and how Sally is such a whore haha but whatever I had to say it because it was on my mind."