In my last post I ended the day

with a simple "night" like I always do, not thinking of the possibilities of the night extending. Well that's exactly what happened, Andrew hit me up and I left the house at 1 in the morning. We were celebrating and this time for reals. The last bachelor party was canceled and we were not able to do anything but this time we were actually doing something. Who cares If it was just three of us haha.
I got picked up and we headed to I-Hop! Haha there we had some hilarious conversation involving Japanese condoms, which I'm not going to explain, and we ended up scaring our waiter so much he had to escape from the back door. After that we left and went to Andrew's and Eddie's place of worship (I'm not sure of the name so that's all I'm going to say) if I recall correctly, Eddie is son of a head person of the church and he had the keys to the place. We went in and to be honest I was scared, the whole fact that it's a holy place and the fact that i always thought trespassing private property was a stupid crime to get in trouble for. There I learned more about their religion and how things work in there, he made fun of a couple things and people and we talked about dumb things like Left 4 Dead and BioShock haha. The night ended after that, I got dropped off home and I realized....that was just what I expected. That was the best bachelor party I might ever attend, It was really what was needed and what was expected, one of the chillest most memorable night. Thanks

So yesterday, the all glorious forth of July! Yeeeea big flipping woot! Me being puertorican, horned and raised there, I truly take no pride in this country, I am thankful of the place I am in and for all the opportunities I am given but I am a puertorican at heart and nothing can change that. If I were giving a choice to go back to Puerto Rico or stay here I would pick to stay here. I have my reasons and it sounds hypocritical and contradicting but It's another topic I have not touched on.
The 4th of July was spent at a park of my neighboring city, there I spent the day with friends and family, I ate weenies and enjoyed my time there. We stayed for fireworks and sat and watched, they were pretty kool, gotta admit. From there i got picked up by crystal's mom and Gaby and Vero, I were going to sleepover at their house. We picked up crystal at work and stopped by my house. From there we arrived at their "crib" and had loads of fun. I am going to explain all these exiting times in the next blog because I feel like this post is a little too long and I'm about to eat soo...
The first pic is a monster Andres drew on my fire extinguisher, and the other one are the fireworks...
I'll post another one later on
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