Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's Just a Matter of Time

So I just read The Catcher in The Rye, it's a good book I must admit. I love how the author makes the reader relate to the main character, no matter who you are. It's true that everyone has had their times in which they felt as if they had no one to talk to. Those moments that made you scroll trough your contacts and you feel there's no one out there that can help you out.

In the book, the main character Holden gets off a train in New York and he walks to a phone booth because he felt as if now that he's there he should tell someone. He felt as if he needed to let someone know what's going on. At that moment in the book the reader realizes...he has no one, no one at all...not a single person he can talk to...

That's how we all feel at times and that's how I felt but I knew there had to be someone out there that cared or was going through the same crap.

When I got home yesterday at around 11 something I got a txt and call from my friend telling me how badly he wanted to just go out, with out the family, the wife the girlfriend, the kids, no one, just someone that would understand. So waited and then left my house at around 12 something. We went out and just as expected...we were sharing a pair of shoes...we were curiously in the same hole. So we ventured off to Walmart being the only place open at the cracks of dawn even though we both grow a tremendous hate towards it daily we entered and just went everywhere. The place was barren and perfect.

After a couple hours there we just left and drove....

Drove and drove...we didn't know where we were going, all we knew is this is what we wanted to do. So we did, we drove so far we were practically lost in some pitch black mountain. We just went drove like there was no need for tomorrow. There was no worry.

We then talked about what had been decaying our "cerebros" We shared what we had In the compounds of our minds.

We both shared remotely a similar problem, and even though I could not relate to his completely, I helped. I listened and did what I could. He did the same for me and we went from dancing to a song to talking about a serious conversation in seconds, constantly switching off. We talked and did what we had to...

After that we raided Jack in the Box...we ate outside of it and just continued to discuss the inner most things that for some reason no one else in the world or list of contacts could understand. This was not a long text message, this wasn't a talk over the phone that lasted a couple hours and it surely wasn't just a talk between friends it was just pure understanding, coming from the both of us.

We there returned to my house and paled in front of it. Talked for a couple more hours and share the same passion for this band called Te Fall of Troy. For some reason he had been the only person that had felt the same way I do about this band (well same with Danny but then again he hasn't gotten into them as much as we have). We seriously felt the music, the notes, the rhythm, the music it self is what sets the mood, the setting, the feeling. When the lyrics end, he is still telling a story, just with the music. I notice this with a lot of bands but never like The Fall of Troy, Minus The Bear, and Taking Back Sunday. Hopefully anyone that goes and takes the time to listen to it understands me...

From there I went home and knocked out...but with a bundle of thought in my head and a certain song...The thoughts that life can suck, That we waist time caring about the stupid shit instead of what really matters, and the fact that neither of us can never be what is needed, be good enough...

The song?
Maybe I'm Just Tired - As Tall As Lions

As depressing and suck-ish as this might sound it was an amazing night that I doubt I'll ever forget...this is truly what memories are made of...

Haha I guess that's just it...

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