Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Better Luck Next Time Prince Charming

Haha well once upon a time, there was a guy and this girl, the girl was the princess stuck in the castle and the boy was the prince, like all other stories the prince gets involved and decides to rescue the princess who feels life is meaningless thanks to her parents, he then rescue her and takes her away, far away, to somewhere neither of them have ever been before he just drove with out a care in the world he ignored all the sunsets and sun rises that went by as he drove, all he cared about was her, nothing else. When they finally got to where they felt was right they just loved each other like usual in the stories, in a sense, they lived happily ever after....for a while, then she felt as if she didn't have what she wanted so she kept It to her self and wrote her feelings in a diary, she kept acting as she loved him but one day, after a while, she opens a door and there he is, the hero, the prince, destroyed...with the diary in hand. He then says "not all knights In shining armor can make your dreams come true, I guess I was never as charming you might have seen"...he then stood up and walked, walked off just like he did when he ran with her, he kept walking until he felt it was enough, she stayed there realizing what she just lost and went back to the castle waiting for the next prince...the end

Haha this is something someone asked me to do haha, pretty crappy

Haha if anyone can figure out the song that inspired me to write this thingy, I'll seriously mail them a dollar

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