Saturday, July 3, 2010

Stars, Stars and No Wish

The stars are out today, it's a beautiful sight. It's pretty common here but sometimes I don't appreciate it or every now and then the earth seems to be corrupted by light and it cover nature's beauty. The earth knows all the wonders it beholds but it is envious of others. Others where there is no one to block these wonders. Where the human race grows on top of what used to be the true natural flow, something that we now see as a specter or something of similar. Something rare and beautiful, but at the same time it can be shocking and terrifying. It's almost like the idea of love, people search for it and make an image for it but they don't stop to realize it's all around even if it's not the same pretty picture someone once drew for you. Love can be harsh but at the same time needed and breathtaking. Just like nature and that's why I love it so much haha.

That all was pretty random haha, today I went to a friend's graduation party. With that I congratulate you my friend, my hugging buddy haha. Whatever challenges may come forth I'm sure you'll be able to overcome them, so congrats and good luck. There I had a good time haha, I spent time with a lot of friends and talked about lot of things. I was also thinking of things that bother me, I'm not one to be annoyed or bothered but certain things bug. The one thing that gets on my nerve is when people tell you they gotta tell you something and then they never do, or when they tell you they have to ask you something and when you remind them they tell you it's not important haha. It's something simple but it bugs me, I don't care how insignificant that question was, I don't care haha I just wish to know.

There are other things that bug me but I don't really like complaining haha. Today I was thinking of how people try and try but never achieve. I ask my self, "did they not try hard enough" or "was it just not meant to be" and I never find an answer. There are times when the failure is so unexpected, I am shocked and found in amazement. I try for this not to bother me but sometimes is just some people really deserved it. I don't know, maybe I was wrong or maybe "it just wasn't meant to be" they both seem like a dumb excuse.

So that's all folks...I don't know but I'm going to watch some House, I'm obsessed with that show!

The picture is unrelated haha


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