Sunday, August 22, 2010

Doctors With No Prescriptions

No, no, no, North Cali! The beautiful haha. This weekend was fun, San jose is an awesome city full of culture and young adults haha. Everywhere you go I feel like there's something to do, something to see, something new to explore. I am truly envious of my sister's life right now haha. The collage life was always something I enjoyed thinking of but in my opinion it has always been an overrated experience that cinema has made into a cliche life of party and nonstop craziness. Yea I can see that people party a lot there but it's nothing like what the films portray. I kinda had my share of party goers when I got in an elevator and a girl busts in screaming hey to someone inside the elevator asking how she's been and what she's up to while everyone else inside the elevator is like "what the heck?" the girl was drunk and in seconds the elevator was filled with the dreadful smell of alcohol, sweat, and Victoria Secret body spray. The girl even apologized for holding the elevator in the for she said she hadn't seen her friend in ages. After she left the girls friend inside the elevator was embarrassed and apologized for her friend being drunk...we were all like "umm yea it's kool O_o" hahahaha it was hilarious me and patty just looked at each other and laughed

Other than that I really enjoyed the collage experience. The laid back environment of San Jose and the cool people I met. Me and my friend Andrew are already planning a trip over there in February because he loves it just as much as me. I took him to north Cali for his first time and he loved it, but we both hated how we didn't get to see what we wanted to see because we were with my parents and they like to do everything fast so we didn't get to explore and get a taste of the city like we wanted to. That's why we are so eager to come back.

I've been really looking forward to

moving away once I graduate and hopefully have a chance to study abroad. I really want to move somewhere and just start a new life and what a better way than to go to another country where everything is new even the language! That would be an amazing experience I would love to have. I love Europe, I fell in love with it when I visited it and that would probably be the place where I would want to go but I also love Japan haha I've been in love with that place since I was 10 and it's somewhere I have to go before I die so I'm not sure but then again I have to see which school I can go to and which schools offer that.

I've been really looking into going to Santa Fe. There is an awesome art school over there and I'm really looking forward to seeing if I can get in. I've already started contacting the school and saying how interested I am. I also love how the city sounds. I've never been there but everyone I talk to that has been there loves it and have endless stories of the place and the art there. It really seems like the number one choice right now haha but I don't know, we will see

Oh while I was over here I got to laser tag and oh my, my!! That was awesome hahaha that was the highlight of my weekend, I wish I could have gone with my buds haha and gone nuts in there lol.

Well I'm out for now I still have like 5 hours left to get home, the ride back is the part I hate haha, but oh well I got my iPod

Bands I listened on the trip:
Band of Horses
Minus The Bear
The Rakes
The Drums
The Whigs
The Magnetic Fields
Maps and Atlases
The Fall of Troy
As Tall As Lions
And a couple more I just can't think right now haha

So I'm out now

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Friday, August 20, 2010

My Lonesome Friend

So here I am, inside a car 7 hours away from my destination, thinking of you. I had a dream about you, you were in white and the wind danced with you like soul mates. I stood aside as I heard your words roll off your mouth into my memory. I savored each one leaving a sweet taste in my mouth. I couldn't help myself but smile each time you would mention me, each time my name rang in my ears it sent waves that dispersed throughout my entire body touching every single corner and empty space. I was a bird and you were my cage, I was kept inside you with no thoughts of escape, more than satisfied with the contents of my new home. I was a ship and you were my anchor holding me in one place but enjoying every single minute of that time, which slowed with every glance we shared. The faces I once recognized only brought back images of you and I was now inside a world of imagery that could only be opened whenever your touch woke me. That same touch that inspired me, that same touch that I now miss and the same touch I hope to wake to every morning for the rest of whatever time I might have left...


Yea I felt inspired haha, so I really am inside a vehicle on my way to San Jose which is 7 hours away. Im taking my sister to collage for her second year and I'm going to help her move in. I love San Jose it's a really kool city that is always moving and is alive unlike my hometown (Murrieta) were everyone is asleep at 9:30 haha. I hope to once live in such an environment where people are constantly moving haha but nothing crazy like NYC...

So lately I've been sooo busy!!!

Crap!!! Haha all I do now a days is; wake up, shower; dress; eat and go to school. When I get home I nap until like 6 then wake up to do homework or art! Im taking 3 AP classes (advanced placement, they count as collage courses) and they are a handful...I arrive home bearly awake and with no energy what so ever. I enjoy that I'm tapping more into art but it's so much work for a procrastinator like me! Haha I chose to challenge my self so now I just gotta deal with it...

I got all new acrylic paints and all this cool equipment, I'm really exited but painting is hard work and it's really messy, I'm painting some shoes for my sister and it's been harder than I ever expected. I'm not liking the end result but it's still fun, I'll see how it comes out and post pictures...

I'm taking ceramics this year with my 9th grade art teacher and I love that woman haha in a non-relationship way...that's practically the only class I actually look forward to, other than that is just hard work!!! But I must not complain and I must not make it an excuse haha...

A lot of good things have happened lately and I'm exited for the future

We'll see how it all turns out

For now I'm out

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

As Tall As Infants

I can't, my feeling won't let me and I'm stuck. I can't think and I can't let anything out.

I have start school tomorrow, I had to do 4 assignments for ap art but I haven't done any, I had to read three books but I haven't read any. I can't think. My stomach is a giant knot and my intestines work as a rope tying everything together. Each drip of saliva is caught in a ball that becomes harder to swallow each time It reappears in my mouth. There is no headache but there is a void waiting to be filled with stress and thoughts of disappointment. I climb only to find there is nothing at the top. At times like these the smart say tears are solutions but the dumb listen to their music waiting for a song to fulfill whatever is missing. Like a song can really make you feel new again. I wish and like to believe but it's only a tool to make the hole bigger and every slow song that passes by tightens the knot harder.

This all is not because of school. Haha school is a joke, I'm not stressed or anything of the sort because of school. I feel this way because of the things that happen in life. Today was an amazing day I spent it with people I adore, most importantly you. I felt invincible and refreshed but once I arrived home I waited. I truly do feel amazing inside but I feel like I missed something important. I wish I could tell you but it's late. You have things to do I need to catch up with reality. Sorry i didn't say anything. I really wanted to say anything but I had nothing to say, like always your true and I'm just an idiot haha. What I said I meant and I don't take back. You've known me, I feel like I've changed but it's always up to someone else to let you know if that is true.

It sucks that I have to step back into life again it was fun but this knot is not working out. You shine so bright and I'm as dull as anyone else haha.

I gotta get back to work


Monday, August 9, 2010

Let's Move On, Into Something New And Beautiful

Let's do it, this might be a good time to do it. I can never meet everyone's expectations but I always said I would and I've never wanted to do it as much as now. People move on and change but they always keep the same image of who the person was previously. They never forget and they never forgive. It truly sucks, I wish people, friends and strangers would see. Just because you never change doesn't mean you should judge me on the fact that I changed and became someone new. I understand that you haven't seen this new person but if you were to be the friend I think you are you would trust me that I will be a better person to you, her, him and everyone else. Just trust me...

I'm not a killer anymore
(lol the ending is totally unrelated)

These are really thoughts that I've contained and have been roaming my head, it's not really a thought more like a direct message to the person I believe to hear this directly from me. So here it is, examine it and never look at it again because this is it. Thank You

Amazing Day

Wish You Were Here


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Robin From Tha Hood

I decided to do my blog before I lose my self in my world (laptop) today I saw Robin Hood with a couple good friends at the cheap theaters, yea the ones that show movies that have already been removed from normal theaters. To be honest I truly enjoyed the movie. It was action packed, it had a rich story line and it was filled with those "oh" or "ouch" moments which I love. It kinda suck to see such a good movie be released with a lot of potential and be thrown to the side just because ironman 2 came out the same weekend. I have not seen ironman one or two and I have no future plans on it, Robert downey jr just doesn't impress me. Well he did good on Sherlock Holmes but other than that it's been pretty much the same if you have the time and patience to sit through a movie with hardcore English accents I recommend this movie. I am a fan of these type of movies especially the medieval era... Movies like timeline and umm idk Monty Python lol (btw that's my favorite comedy movie)...that's all I have to say, I had tons of fun with my friends today and thanks for the invite I had fun


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Location:Jameson St,Murrieta,United States

Sunday, August 8, 2010

No Need For Friends When You Have Elephants

The title is true, blunt and honest...there are no need for friends if you obtain an elephant.

Yea my friends have been retaliating on me lately, they rioted outside my house and threw a Molotov at my car which resulted in an awesome display of fireworks and cops. All because I didn't return Jonathan's super nintendo controller. Cmon man it's been 12 years since I borrowed it, I thought I would see you again. I never knew you I was moving to California and that you were going to raid my house at the age of 16 bringing our entire 2nd grade class with you. Sorry, I should have warned you I'm not an elephant I forget :( please take my apology know I love your mom's cooking and your street fighter...

Haha lol all that is not real and I came up with it as I wrote, no pauses, no thoughts just writing haha lol I told you I'm going crazy...

So lately people have been asking ms why I don't communicate with them. I have been refraining from texting lately and that bother not only one but I guess a couple other friends as well. At first it was just one of my guy friends that contacted me constantly asking me why I didn't talk or txt him. I usually never hang out with him but when we do it's fun and I really enjoy spending time with him. I guess he doesn't see that, I sometimes don't have time to be in places or I'm just too lazy to go but no matter what I trust and believe that next time we hang out we will be as close as we were last time we hung out. He thinks otherwise, I guess to him a friend is someone that spends practically everyday with him and shares everything with him. I love this kid but I can't be that person I'll always be his friend but I can't be the guy he wants me to be. I am me and I don't talk about myself what so ever to friends...that's the real reason I have this blog, it's to be able to say what's in my head and what I truly think without having to tell it to someone directly and even here I have problems completely saying what I have to say. It might sound rude or messed up but people that truly know me know that I'm a hard nut to crack and I usually never tell people what I really feel. There are people out there that I tell things too but I never have one person that I tell everything to. Bits and pieces to different people. I must admit I do have really close friends that I'm more open to but it's the same. I talk to them a lot then go back to the hole I was in. I feel bad but these know how I am, and I'm hoping they'll understand. Sorry I haven't been contacting you lately and sorry I've missed every Late-Friday-night-out/sleepover day, sorry I've missed the chance to meet the new addition to your family, sorry I only hang out with you once every two months, sorry I only I've only called you once on my own, sorry I didn't text you earlier, sorry I sometimes don't get the chance to call you and hear about your amazing day, sorry I'm not dependent and sorry for all those unfulfilled promises...i mean it.

I'll try my best to start contacting you guys as much as I can, I'll hopefully be able to hang out with you more and I promise I'll show you how much you really do mean to me...

Friends are friends, elephants are animals

Location:Jameson St,Murrieta,United States

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hipster, Scenester, whatever

Jesus, I gotta find a place to sit, I'm scaring people. My mom gets nervous when I walk around too much but that's just me. Were at the mall right now and their looking for clothes but I'm just walking around them, something I do without wanting I just do. I can't stand in one place I get bored and start thinking and wondering haha that's why I'm writing. All I can think of is a sustain person, school, a friend, tomorrow and the random girl I just scared haha. I was walking around writing this on my phone and she bumped into me and just opened her wide eyes and no words came out just the regular "...ehh umm" she smiled, turned around and walk way the same way she came. Was it my face? Haha I smiled at her, I understand how awkward It was and how awkward I made it by not saying anything or at least apologizing because It was kinda my fault...I just smiled haha. Well whatever it was it's gone now, the workers are just staring at me because they've seen me walk around for the past 10 minutes staring at my phone and smiling to myself. If I was a worker I would classify myself a freak haha

So all that was earlier today, well yesterday and after going to the mall I kinda realized the "hipster" fashion has been growing a lot and it finally got to my city. I've been aware of this "style" or fashion for ages and I kinda hate how people bag on them. Yea I get mad when the hardcore hipster kids make complete fools of them selfsame and take pride In being a hypocrite but then again they are who they want to be. If hating on mainstream bands and bagging on other people choice of music is what they want to do, let them. I love exploring new music and finding what I call "my little treasures" which are bands that are not known but are amazing. When I find one I keep it to myself because I do agree with hipsters in this, bands usually DO get worse when they go mainstream. Their music becomes overproduced and they slowly become sell outs for about a year then they go back to being who they originally were. So I do agree, and to be honest I hate classifying people, like yea I kinda have to specify when I'm writing but why separate everyone from a curtain style or class or such just because of appearance or likings. Yea I admit I can be somewhat of a hipster at times I do bag on overproduced music but I respect it, yea I dress in somewhat "hipster fashion" but it's because I adore that fashion it's something different from what we've seen. Yea I remember when wearing black meant you were "emo" and crap like that and just a few months back it was all about Crunk and Southern Hip Hop and to be honest I enjoyed the music, yea it was complete nonsense but that's what made it enjoyable, it was something fun to listen to. I myself never got into the whole "crank fashion" wearing bright neon colors and wearing the ridiculous Kanye glasses. I enjoyed watching it but I like to stand out in my own unique way. That's why I'm not that into fashion I just do my own thing and if people like it well that's good if they don't then sorry. That's why I am talking all this nonsense about "hipsters, scensters, crunk kings and such" whatever. It's all just a phase, I just don't appreciate the way people bag on hipsters, the world has respected previous fashions but now all they do is hate and it's ridiculous...oh and on a side note one thing I do not respect whatsoever is when people scream at the top of their lungs that they are unique following everyone's advice and listening to whatever is on tv. Yea I respect the music on tv (congrats) but not the kids that boast about being "probably the most unique kid in the state" when all they do is what every one else does. I don't think that's a bad thing, following the current trend but boasting about being unique when your not is complete retardation...sorry

Eh I feel like an angry freshman

ranting about his english class and how Sally is such a whore haha but whatever I had to say it because it was on my mind...

Keep doing what you do, no matter what people say, who are they to judge? Their just telling you to be like everyone else...


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Thursday, August 5, 2010

50 and Fleeding

I'm going crazy and i like it

An indication of this is me saying that mere phrase...i had no reason to say it but i said....all day. Haha i spent the day with myself today so there was a lot of talking, i you understand me. Im not gone but i already left. I saw the future while exploring the past and short comings amuse me...what am i saying? i am not sure but i enjoy it, writing complete nonsense even though it makes a lot of sense...

I've been pretty much up to nothing, and im loving it haha, My school starts next Wednesday and i ate i spent my days doing absolutely nothing enjoying whatever is left of the summer doing what i didn't do. This whole summer was full events and short comings and i loved it haha i should stop saying that...

So Ive been infected with with music lately from indie to math from screamo to electronica hahaha

check these people out:

Arcade Fire: i'm still getting used to

As Tall As Lions: Amazing band, check out "Love Love Love", "Ghost of York" and "Song For Luna" (soft indie rock)

Band Of Horses: Supper chill music, i love their album cover

Baths: eh if you like weird sounds and electronica (electronica, trance, maybe industrial)

Big D And The Kids Table: ska to tha max haha (ska, punk)

Blakfish: A harder style of Math Rock (hard math rock)

Bloc Party: their pretty famous and pretty fun haha (indie, pop-ish electronica? idk haha)

haha i have a lot more bands but i don't want to fill up my page so ill continue with "C" next time and i want to say thanks to my friend Teresa for calling me daily and bothering me non stop (in a good way :]) just for me to post my blog and sorry at those that have asked me why i haden't posted anything ill continue with them...hopefully lol

this comic made my day :)

thanks and night

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